This variation is 2.5D, useful for working with cel shaded styles. If there is anything wrong or need improvements, please let me know! I hope you enjoy this model! More ports will be coming soon! _ Ability to save and recall the game at any point of the game you want.Wakko Warner from Animaniacs is now available to use for SFM and GMOD! Be sure to subscribe to this model for further updates. _ Direct execution of the game, without the need to download data and simulator. On normal and hard modes, the Game Boy version continues after the player completes the first three levels, goes to Once There Was A Man Named Oscar, and battles Pinky and the Brain. On easy mode, the Game Boy version ends early, on the first three levels. Both the Science Fiction/Space Opera – Space Wars (Space Trucking) and nearly all of the final Action Movie – Once There Was A Man Named Oscar levels are absent from this version.

This version was ported to the Game Boy by Factor 5, but due to space constraints, only three levels are present in this version and certain parts of the three levels are absent. When they smile, they are healthy, but when they are looking either tired, unhappy, or weak, then they should find health soon (which is found in the forms of several forms of ice cream or sweets, or other kinds of food). Their health is indicated by their faces on the top left of the screen.
The lives can be increased by obtaining either 100 stars or obtaining a small golden form of their faces. The Warner Brothers and Sister have health indicators and a number of lives. Dot is able to blow kisses which, when used on certain characters, triggers certain actions needed to progress. Wakko uses a mallet that can be used to hit switches, break certain objects, and light fuses. Yakko uses a paddleball to stun enemies and is also able to push and pull objects such as crates.

Players control Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, switching control between them to use their respective powers accordingly. After clearing all five levels, players travel to the final level where they must fight Pinky and the Brain. A fifth level will then open to obtain a final piece of movie memorabilia. The player must reach the end of each level and beat the boss to obtain a piece of movie memorabilia. The game features four main levels, which can be entered in any order.